#BitWhisper #Hacking by #Heat #Israel #University #BenGurion #AirGap #DataTransfer #USB #USBFlash #Hacker
#PoSeidon #PIN #POS #Malware #PointOfSale #Memory #CreditCard #RU
#LifeClock hacking how many years left? #CountDown #MobileApp #HealthKit #API #Fitness #Sleep #MobileHealth #AppleWatch #IoT #Wearables
#LifeClock hacking how many years left? #CountDown #MobileApp #HealthKit #API #Fitness #Sleep #MobileHealth #AppleWatch #IoT #Wearables http://www.slashgear.com/theres-already-an-apple-watch-app-predicting-your-time-of-death-21374694/
Labels: api, apple watch, fitness, healthkit, IoT, lifeclock, mobile app, mobile health, Mobile Security, sleep, Wearables
#USBKiller #USBFlash fries a #Laptop when inserted #HackaDay #CyberAttack #CyberWar #WoW
#USBKiller #USBFlash fries a #Laptop when inserted #HackaDay #CyberAttack #CyberWar #WoW
Labels: cyber warfare, cyberattack, cyberwar, laptop, usb flash, usbkiller, wow
Is a #DropCam #Spying on your #CouchSurfing? #Privacy concerns of #AirBnB #IoT #Google
$10k fines for negative online reviews? #WTF #Like #Facebook #yelp #TripAdvisor #SocialNetworks
Man Was Ridiculed for Dancing #cyberbully #crowdfunding #socialnetworks #creative #incidentresponse
#Bigdata might be the new oil, but we need gasoline. #datavisualization #dataanalytics
#Mobile #Smartphone #MobileSecurity #BYOD #MWC #MWC15 #Flipboard curated
#Mobile #Smartphone #MobileSecurity #BYOD #MWC #MWC15 #Flipboard curated article's... enjoy http://flip.it/tV0jd
Labels: byod, flipboard, mobile, Mobile Security, mwc, mwc15, Smartphone
Why 2015 is the year of #encryption... #Spying #Google #Apple vs #NSA